Saturday 2 March 2019


FYI - For Your Information ...

*I - OKERE CHEDDAR  -  OK-Cfedex /SUm[+]mER -  Ocase Feds Slash Summer ...

Shut The Music/Rap Industry - Men !

Poor Sales  Or No Sales At All  Or Mostly Free Album Downloads ...

Fuck Yah Niggas !

*Until I Get My Unpaid Royalties ... From My Last Album  ... "Africa's Finest" ...

Published & Distributed From California/U.S.A   In 2009 ...

*For Now ... Yah'll Only Get Wack Music ... As Has Been The Case Since 2017 ...

Except You Can Put Yourself On Like Cardi- B ...

Cos Ever Since Drake Fell Off & Started Singing Like A Bird ... WE Only Gained Cardi- B ...

The Rest ... Have Been Wack Emcees/Artistes ...

*Well !  ... It's Not My Fault ... Cos I Would Have Sorted The Unpaid Royalties ... Thingy ...

If I Wasn't Denied A Biz Class Visa Twice ... By The U.S.  Embassy In Lagos ... To California ...

To Get That Sorted And Funnily Citing Age As A Barrier/Limitation ... I Was 27 Then ...

*I See No Reason ... Why People Should Play Politics With People's Livelihood And Lifetime

Investments ... Owing To Jealousy/Envy Or Trying To Stop You Cos They Are Nothing

Themselves And Would Never Amount To Anything Near Your Persona Or Ever Be Famous

For 1 Day ... But Know How To Support ... Mediocres ...

*Also ... Anytime Publishers ... Fail To Pay Me My Royalties ... Whether For Music/Books ...

It Affects Biz Generally And The Entertainment Industry ...

*This Is The Last Time ... I Will Talk About This Unpaid Project Royalties ...

The Rest ... We Know What It Is ... Cutting In ...

Yeah !

*I Was Cut Out For This Life Of Biz/Entertainment & Inspire A Lot Of People To Write/Do

Better All The Time ... Ever Since I Announced My Presence On The Internet ... With The ...

"My Name Video"  On Youtube & Blogs/Comments From 2008 ...

*Ocase ... Social Scientist ... Signing Out And I Really ... Really  ... Paid My Dues ...

OK ?!   Yeah !

*Peace ... I'm Out ... Until I Sort Things Out ...