Friday 9 September 2022


 [9/8, 21:49] R-L-F  ENTERTAINMENT:

 This argument now wow !

Everyone should just know if you don't make the much talked about heaven, you will rebirth to fix your mistakes in your past life and when you rebirth life can be hell for you, so that's it. 

That coming back again to fix your past life is what everyone tries hard to avoid in doing good deeds and their quest to make heaven, Okay?!

[9/8, 21:53] R-L-F  ENTERTAINMENT:

Hell fire is for real demons, from the darkside that equal to heavenly beings in power, negative power and must be bound in chains in that hellfire. 

The kind of bloodsucking demons on earth that humans desperately and mistakenly make sacrifices to. 

Those ones of darkness will be bound in that hellfire, just like in the book of revelation, talking about the beast, aight... yeah !

[9/8, 21:59] R-L-F  ENTERTAINMENT:

Hell is not for humans, it's your karma that can be a living hell, so that's it.

[9/8, 21:59] R-L-F  ENTERTAINMENT:

Heaven - is very difficult to achieve and have all the knowledge to stay there forever and not ask questions about anything anymore, you just know everything about the universe and the world. 

As a Godly person you are always welcome to heaven cos you will see new things that can make you also live a better life on earth again, cos you have to be really perfect to stay and remain in heaven, not just holiness.

[9/8, 21:59] R-L-F  ENTERTAINMENT:

 Alright?! This should solve all the argument.

[9/8, 22:02] R-L-F  ENTERTAINMENT: 

I know when some situations you are in are difficult... it is because some people are crying also to God, why is it only him you favour? 

You just wonder and take things easy, they forget it is because you thoroughly... thoroughly kept his words.

What they thought is impossible is possible? 

They start protesting, It is only favouring you.

So -  some things, you just give it time, the real answers will be revealed to you.

[9/8, 22:03] R-L-F  ENTERTAINMENT: 

I know - I will be part of heaven.