Tuesday 6 November 2012


Yeah !  Now ... For All Those STILL Grappled ... With D Actual Reason ...
Why So Much Money Is Being Put On My Campaign ...
As Chairman ... ?

It All Came  ... From All D Hard Work ... I Have Put On D Internet ... & ... Real Life ...
As A Writer ... Musician ... & ... Biz Owner ...

Now ... D Only Money ... I Demanded/Having Been Demanding For ...
Are Funds/Monies ... Dat Have Accrued From Sales ...
Of My Last Album ... & ... Freely Downloaded e-Book ... On D Internet ...
In 2008 ... (Was Put Out On Sale ) ...

Now ...
My Name ... Okere Cheddar ...
Generated Alot Of Controversy Online ...
But Nobody Has Seen Me On Any Media ... On Ground ...
Plus ... I Was Demanding For Money ...

So ... D Satellite Ppl Yah'll See ... Only Came Here For 2 Reasons ...
To Determine ... Who I Am ... & ... D Likely Use Of D Money I Am Demanding ...
Plus ... Who D Real Okere Cheddar Is ...

Then ...
D Money They Put Under My Name ...
Is Some Sort Of Affiliate Money ...
Apart From Outstandings ... They Owe Me ...
For Broadcasting My Private Activities ... To D Public ...

I Only Kept Cool ... Cos I Am Aware ...
Of What I Did ... & ... Is Still Doing ...

So ... If In D Long Run ... They Don't Get On My Page ...
Or ... Decide To Do Otherwise ... Or .... Give Frivolous Reasons ...
For Their Quest Of Me ...
Okere Cheddar ...
They Shall Be Treated Like Criminals ... Or ... Spies ...
Cos ... I Was Born Here ... & ... My Birth Was Registered Here ...

AI ... Yeah !

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