Saturday 25 May 2013


Now ...

D Early Scientists Said ...

The Earth Rotates On An Axis & Goes Round D Sun ... But Nope ...

I Disagree With Dat ... 

More Later ...

Rather ... D Earth Is Stagnant ...

But D Sun ... Rotates On An Axis ... & ... Goes Round D Earth In Minutes ...

As D Clock Ticks ...

So ... In 24 Hrs ... It Does A Complete Cycle ...


  Now ... What I Am Saying Is Dat ...

D Sun Is Divided Into Two Halves ...

One Is Light ... & ... D Other Is Darkness ...

So ... It Rotates On An Axis/Round D Earth ... & ... Supplies Light/Darkness ...

To All D Different Countries On Earth Within 24 Hrs ...

D Mechanism Of D Sun Is ...

Wherever D Light Part ... Falls On D Earth Surface ...

Experiences Daylight ...

While Wherever ... D Darkness Part Falls On ...

Experiences Night Time ...

Then ... As It Goes Round/On An Axis ... All D Various Countries ...

Gets Served With Daylight & Night Fall ...

AI ... Yeah !

Also ... D Moon Light/After Dark Light ... Is Just D Remaining Part Of Sunlight ...

In D Dark Region ...

Like ... D Shadow Of Light ... Dat Is Seen ... Or ... Falls On Earth ...

When D Dark Region ... Is Pointing Towards Earth ...

Now ... When It Is A Half Moon ...

D Two Parts ... Light & Darkness ...

Are Pointing Down Directly ...


When It Is ... A Full Moon ...

  It Has Fully Entered D Dark Region/Rotated ...

So ... D Moon Light/After Dark Light ... Is D Shadow Of Light ...

From D Light Part Of D Sun ...

When ... It Has Rotated/Entered ...

Into D Dark Region ...

Without D Sun ...

Earth ... Is A Dark Planet ...

D Ozone Layer Is Perforated ...




  1. We Might Name ...

    The Moon Light ... Something Else ...

    So It Don't Mean ... The Moon ...

    That Was Acclaimed Visited ...

    Lights Itself ...

    Cos All Light ... Comes From The Sun ...

    Call It ... The After Dark ... Light ...

    Yeah !

  2. Then ... You Can't See ... The Moon ...

    During ... The Day ... So Where Exactly Was Visited ... ?

    Yeah !

  3. Like ... I Said Before ... It Is The Sun That Rotates ...

    Around The Earth & That's Why ...

    It Rises In The East And Sets In The West ...

    So ... That's The Movement ...

    Aight ... Yeah !
