Friday 28 September 2018


The SAPS In R.S.A Must Understand ... When I/Okere Cheddar Was In Nigeria ...

I Was Complaining And Complaining And Complaining ... Over And Over Again ...

Now ... I'm Here In R.S.A ???   I  Do Not Want To Complain All Over Again ...

Alright ... Yeah !

Also ... The SAPS In R.S.A ???   Must Note ... Anyone Telling Them I'm Mentally Insane/Sick ...

Is Telling Lies ...

The Only Problems I Have Is Unpaid Royalties And That Can't Lead To A Mental Depression Or
Any Mental/Psychotic Disorder For Me ...

I Can't Lose/Loose My Thoughts Or Mental Balance Over Unpaid Royalties ...

Alright ... Yeah !

I Will Talk More Later ... For Now ... Let Me Focus On Work/Business ...

But ... I Will Like My Wish Of Not Being Disturbed And Be Left Alone By The SAPS For

As Long As I'm Here In R.S.A ???   Before I Decide Where To Go Or What To Do Next.

Like I Said Before ... I'm Not Here In R.S.A ???   To Make Or Look For Money ...

I Already Started Making Money In Nigeria ...

The Reason Why I'm Here In R.S.A ???   Is Cos Of Better Living Conditions ...

In My Country Nigeria ???    I Was Always Having Malaria And Typhoid Cos

Of My Genes/Genotype ...

I Was Staying On Troye/Jorrisen In Sunnyside And The Only Reason Why You Found

Me In That Small/Ugly House Is Cos Of Unpaid Royalties ...

I'm An Established Rapper/Musician And Also A Published Author And Also Have

Write Ups/Blogs On The Internet ...

Lastly ... I Do Not Know That Channel On DSTV ... Where They Regularly Show/Feature

Me On ???   They Are Hiding From Me ...

On The Internet ... That's Free ... That's It For Now ...

Thanks ...