Friday 28 September 2018


The SAPS In R.S.A Must Understand ... When I/Okere Cheddar Was In Nigeria ...

I Was Complaining And Complaining And Complaining ... Over And Over Again ...

Now ... I'm Here In R.S.A ???   I  Do Not Want To Complain All Over Again ...

Alright ... Yeah !

Also ... The SAPS In R.S.A ???   Must Note ... Anyone Telling Them I'm Mentally Insane/Sick ...

Is Telling Lies ...

The Only Problems I Have Is Unpaid Royalties And That Can't Lead To A Mental Depression Or
Any Mental/Psychotic Disorder For Me ...

I Can't Lose/Loose My Thoughts Or Mental Balance Over Unpaid Royalties ...

Alright ... Yeah !

I Will Talk More Later ... For Now ... Let Me Focus On Work/Business ...

But ... I Will Like My Wish Of Not Being Disturbed And Be Left Alone By The SAPS For

As Long As I'm Here In R.S.A ???   Before I Decide Where To Go Or What To Do Next.

Like I Said Before ... I'm Not Here In R.S.A ???   To Make Or Look For Money ...

I Already Started Making Money In Nigeria ...

The Reason Why I'm Here In R.S.A ???   Is Cos Of Better Living Conditions ...

In My Country Nigeria ???    I Was Always Having Malaria And Typhoid Cos

Of My Genes/Genotype ...

I Was Staying On Troye/Jorrisen In Sunnyside And The Only Reason Why You Found

Me In That Small/Ugly House Is Cos Of Unpaid Royalties ...

I'm An Established Rapper/Musician And Also A Published Author And Also Have

Write Ups/Blogs On The Internet ...

Lastly ... I Do Not Know That Channel On DSTV ... Where They Regularly Show/Feature

Me On ???   They Are Hiding From Me ...

On The Internet ... That's Free ... That's It For Now ...

Thanks ...



  1. I Told DSTV To Pay Me ...

    They Blatantly Refused And Continued To Hide From Me ...

    Now ... I Have To Explain Why They Are Showing Me On TV ...

    You See ???

    Hiss !

    Shake My Head ...

  2. You All Must Understand ...

    No Means Of Getting Money Is Easy ...

    How Much More ??? Big Money !

  3. Show Me The 2nd Me ... Men !

    Else ??? Shut Up !

    I Know Me Better ... Or ... Surprise x2

    I'm All You've Basically Heard ...

    I've Been Around For A Long Time And I've Touched Places ...

    Yeah !

  4. Nobody ??? Nobody ???

    That's Why I Don't Come Out ... Or ... Talk To The Media ...

    I Just Do Me ...

    I Know My Customers ...

    That's All ...

  5. The SAPS In South Africa Does Not Listen To Foreigners ...

    Like ... When They Fight In The Streets Or Clubs ...

    They See Them ... They Do Nothing ...

    And Also ... When They Try To Open Cases ... They Don't Agree ...

    Or Allow Them ...

    And These People Are Documented/Legal Here ...

    Or ... Went Thru O.R Tambo Immigration As For Nigerians ...

    I Don't Know About Other South African Countries ...

    OK !
