Saturday 22 December 2018


Yeah !  Whatever Evil ... People Do ... Does Not Bother Me ...

Cos ... I Already Know Devil & Devil Wannabes ...

*I Only Talk About Murder ... Cos Of Government Laws ...

Now ... Those Spiritual Killings Is Why Some People Are Boastful ...

But ... If I Catch You !   

I will Follow/Disturb You To Anywhere ...

Yeah ! 

That's It ...

*Spiritual Killings Are Not Yet For The Government ...

But Physical Killings/Protection Orders ... Must Never Be Overlooked ...

That's All ...

*If ... I Say ... I Know Racism And Understand It In My Own Way???

Take It Like That ...

*In Business ... No Racism ...

But ... If I Detect That ...

I Will Still Tell You ... Hey Racist !

That's All ...

*As For My Own Business ... Racism Can't Stop My Business ...

Cos ... I'm Worldwide And Only Have Haters/Non Customers Who Wish To Be Me ...

Black/White Or Any Race ...

OK !    Yeah !



  1. When People Cry Blood Over Me ...

    That's What Happens ...

    Then They Feel Like Killing Me ...

    Later ... They Want To Say I'm Nothing ...

    Stupid People ...

  2. The Government Of South Africa Must Make Sure ...

    They Enact Laws To Take Care Of The Safety Of Foreigners ...

    In Their Country ...

    Cos ... Everyone Knows ... How To Kill Their Enemies ...

    If It Comes To That ...

    *Xenophobia In Any Form ... Is Not New To Me ...

    And That's Why I Like To Avoid ILLiterates Or People ...

    From Rural Areas ...

    Yeah !

  3. The Cab Men/Taxis ... Sorted Me Out In R.S.A ...

    From Johannesburg To Pretoria ...

    They Showed Me Most Offices/Streets ...

    So ... I Still Believe In Them ...

    OK !

    In Nigeria ... I Used Bikes To Find My Way Around ...

    OK !

    Which Is Normal For Everyone ... So Long As You Pay Them ...

    Their Charges ...

    OK ! Yeah !

    The Rest ... I Just Walked Around And That Was It ...

    *I Was Too Young To Buy A Car When I Started Biz ...

    I Never Had A Driving License ... All Thru My Stay In Nigeria...

    But ... Drove Around My Neighbourhood When Necessary ...

    And To Only Places I Was Sure Of ...

    No Matter The Distance ...

    OK !

  4. Nobody Begs You To Buy A Product ...

    Have You Heard Me Doing Launching Or ...

    A Promo Before???

  5. If I'm Nothing???

    You Are Blind Where I Am And I Just Walk Past You ...

    That's All

  6. All Celebs ... Must Make Sure They Arm Themselves Wherever ...

    And Listen To Whoever Is Close To Them ...

    And Know How To Protect Them ...

    If Their Life Is Threatened Cos Of Them ... Genuinely ...

    And Not Otherwise ...

    Yeah ! I Carry Protective Weapons But Watch/Know When ...

    And When It Gets To Guns ...

    We Shall Also See ...

    Yeah !

  7. I Have Warned DSTV ... Several Times ...

    I Have Not Seen That Website On The Internet ...

    Where They Are Showing Everything I Do ...

    OK ! Yeah !
